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Published Saturday, August 19, 2023

Testing to See at What Height Glass Plug Gauges Will Break

Today, we're taking on a fun challenge to test the durability of glass plug gauges. We know how delicate they can be, so we'll drop them from different heights to see when they break. Let's get started!

Testing the 14 Gauge Plugs

  • Counter Height Drop: We begin with a 14 gauge plug dropped from counter height, simulating an accidental knock. No visible cracks or stress fractures were observed.

  • Ear Height Drop: Next, we drop another 14 gauge plug from ear height, mimicking the process of inserting it. The plug survives without any cracks or scratches.

Testing the 1/2" Plugs

  • Counter Height Drop: Now, we repeat the test with a half inch plug dropped from counter height. A minor crack is seen on the edge, but overall, the piece remains intact.

  • Ear Height Drop: Finally, we drop the half inch plug from ear height. Unfortunately, this time, the plug sustains some damage, with chipping around the edge and scuff marks.


Through our experiments, we found that the height of the drop does impact the glass plug gauges' durability. While smaller drops from counter height generally cause no harm, ear-height drops may lead to visible damage, especially with larger sizes. For everyday wear, it's best to be mindful of the height at which you handle your glass plugs to prevent unnecessary breakage.

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