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Published Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Learn How to Open and Close a Segment Ring Easily

Hey there! Have you been struggling with opening and closing a segment ring? You're not alone - it can be a tricky task, especially if you're new to piercings. But don’t worry! We’re here to help you learn how to handle segment rings with ease.

What are Segment Rings?

Segment rings are a particular type of body jewelry that can be a bit challenging to insert and remove. If you're new to piercings, you might find it easier to start with a different type of jewelry like a clicker.

Locating the Segment

First things first. You need to locate the segment of your ring. This is the piece that will come out, allowing you to insert or remove the ring from your piercing.

How to Remove the Segment

  • Place your hands or fingers on the segment while using your ring opening pliers to hold the ring.

    image of ring openers in a segment ring

  • Apply pressure similarly to a captive ring.
  • Slowly pull out the segment. Be patient and gentle to avoid damaging the ring or hurting yourself.

    Apply pressure to remove the segment from the ring

Reinserting the Segment

  • Line up the little nub with the groove on one side of the segment.

  • With some luck, it might just snap in, but if not, use your ring opener pliers.

    Apply pressure to re-insert the segment into the ring

  • While squeezing with the pliers, apply pressure until you hear a snap, indicating the segment is securely in place.

    Push the segment in until it snaps in place

A Few Final Tips

Remember, the segment is specific to the ring. If you lose it, you'll need to get a new segment ring altogether. So handle it with care and make sure to keep it safe while it’s out of the ring.

With these simple steps, you're now ready to handle segment rings with confidence. Practice makes perfect, so keep at it and you'll become a pro in no time!

Please remember to follow us on all our socials @Bodyartforms for more helpful tips and tricks!