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Published Friday, April 28, 2023

Will it work? Wearing belly jewelry as earrings

A cool trend we've been seeing lately ...

Can you use belly jewelry in a regular ear piercing? You can as long as your piercing will fit 14g jewelry (the standard belly jewelry gauge size). Most "regular" ear piercings are 20g so it's quite a bit smaller in size. If your piercing is currently not at 14g or larger we do not recommend trying it out as it could damage or tear your piercing. You can use a 14g taper kit to stretch your piercing up and follow our stretching guide if you'd like to wear larger 14g jewelry.

If you do already have a piercing that will fit 14g jewelry then you can wear navel jewelry in your piercing! Here's a pic of what it looks like (the blue cat eye dragon claw):


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