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Published Monday, March 27, 2023

How to insert heart shaped eyelets / tunnels

How to put on heart shaped eyelets

Want to show your lobes a little love? 

Heart eyelets are double flared, and they’re basically an upside down teardrop shape, so putting these in will be similar to putting in teardrop plugs. As you can see, the wearable area of this eyelet design is heart shaped. The size you’ll be able to wear is the same as normal plugs, though, so you’ll want to buy the gauge you normally wear.

You should be comfortable inserting double flared plugs before trying to wear something in a heart or teardrop shape.  If you’re having trouble putting them in, don’t force it as you can damage your lobes. 

Prepping your lobes by using heavier plugs made from stone, glass, and sometimes steel may help give you some extra stretch room before putting in plugs with shaped plugs and large flares.

  1. Before you start, don’t forget to wash your hands and to moisturize your lobes. If you need plug primer, we sell zeep plug primer on our site.

  2. Start by pulling your lobe down. Insert the bottom first at an angle. Then press the heart-side of the tunnel in.

  3. Depending on your anatomy, you may feel some pressure right under your tragus. If you feel any discomfort when they are in your lobes, limit the amount of time you wear them.  These plugs are made to be worn in well healed piercings.

We hope this helps and check us out on all of our social media platforms @Bodyartforms